Linkin the Hungarian Vizsla

A mans best friend…

It’s often claimed that a mans best friend is his dog. Our best friends are regularly described as loyal, affectionate, calming and playful to name a few. Linkin is a beautiful Hungarian Vizsla and belongs to the Askins-Parry family. Linkin currently resides in North Wales which is approximately 1350 miles from where the Vizsla was developed in Hungary.

Should I carry my camera everywhere I go?

As a photographer I really should carry my camera everywhere I go, you never know when the opportunity to grab some great photos will arise. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work like that. Its not always possible or appropriate to carry all your gear around and leaving gear in the car poses its own risks, mainly from theft and physical damage. I usually only carry my gear when I have a planned shoot, for everything else I have my iPhone. If you avoid low light situations the IPhone can actually capture some awesome images.

Linkin - Hungarian Vizsla
Linkin lay down on the grass

An afternoon with Linkin a beautiful Hungarian Vizsla

I recently spent a week of R&R in North Wales with my wife Helen and our Labrador, Rosie. Rosie is still very much a puppy being only 6 months old so we try to socialise her with people and other dogs where possible to develop her confidence and social skills.

My cousin Elizabeth and her husband Karl are the proud owners of Linkin who is a Hungarian Vizsla. The afternoon started sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and catching amongst ourselves. The dogs constantly running around chasing each other, playing with toys and becoming better acquainted. When you think about it… It’s pretty awesome that two dogs can be introduced to each other for the first time and get on so well within such a short period of time. It doesn’t really matter what two dogs as generally they will make friends rather quickly.

Linking and Rosie
Linkin and Rosie playing chase

Luckily I had my kit with me in the car and managed to make some great images of Linkin and Rosie playing. Rosie soon decided that Linkin’s toys were more important than having her photo taken. That or she had became rather tired after a long morning walk along the beach. This provided a perfect opportunity for Linkin to pose alone for the camera allowing me to capture the following great portraits.

Linkin standing tall
Linkin standing in a typical Vizsla pose

Equipment used on the shoot

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Images from the day


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