If you have ever thumbed through one of my books or scrolled through my Instagram feed you will have no doubt noticed I spend a lot of time photographing my local woodland.
I usually try and visit woodlands at the crack of dawn. There is something I find very relaxing about walking between tall trees whilst listening to the wonderful sounds of nature.
Woodland photography is said to be one of the most challenging yet rewarding genres of photography. How do you find photographing woodlands? Let me know in the comments below.
The Challenges Of Woodland Photography
I find photographing woodlands to be difficult at best. More often than not there is a lot going on in a woodland scene like fallen trees, overlapping branches, paths and bright skies to name a few. Cluttered and untidy scenes can make composing an image very frustrating. There are however certain weather conditions that woodland photographers have come to love.
How Fog Can Change A Scene
Woodlands and fog are often said to go hand in hand and frequently described as a match made in heaven. Fog will instantly soften an image helping to separate a cluttered scene and give an image an etherial look and feel.
An Hour Of Woodland Photography
Tranquil, calming and moody! Just 3 words that spring to mind as I look back on this hour of woodland photography.
I experienced a very mysterious afternoon of weather conditions. At one point it looked like we would have a beautiful golden sunset and then the next minute a layer of fog rolled in between the trees.

This was my first time photographing this corner of the woods. The tallness and slenderness of these trees attracted me to shoot this scene. Luckily for me there is a patch of light fog in the distance which really helped to defuse and soften the bright light between the trees. It was very dark under the canopy which made composing the image quite a challenge. I tried my best to separate the trees ensuring each tree has breathing space where possible. As there are so many trees in the scene an element of overlap is inevitable.
If you are interested in seeing more from my hour in the woods check out my Instagram post where I have shared a carousel of behind the scenes footage for you to swipe through👍

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